Governor Newsom announces historic land return effort to Native Americans - California Hoy


Jun 18, 2024

Governor Newsom announces historic land return effort to Native Americans

SACRAMENTO – On the 5th anniversary of the state’s apology to California Native American peoples, Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the state’s support for the return of over 2,800 acres of ancestral land to the Shasta Indian Nation. This return is one of the largest in state history and part of the state’s ongoing efforts to right the historical wrongs committed against the Native communities of California.

“This work is a down payment on the state’s commitment to do better by the Native American communities who have called this land home since time immemorial. By listening to and working with tribes across the state, including to return ancestral homelands and restore the environment, we are healing deep wounds and rebuilding trust between our people.”

Governor Gavin Newsom

Earlier this month, Governor Newsom visited the Klamath River dam removal project, the largest river restoration project in American history that will rehabilitate over 300 miles of salmon habitats, and discussed the ancestral land return with leaders of the Shasta Indian Nation.

With the support of the state, the Shasta Indian Nation is pursuing the transfer of 2,820.860 acres of “Parcel B” lands associated with the dams.

“The Shasta Indian Nation is pleased with the Governor's decision to support the return our ancestral lands and sacred sites. Having access to our ceremonial sites, including the site of our First Salmon Ceremony, is critical to the spiritual and emotional health of our people. The ceremony has not taken place since the lands were taken by eminent domain for the construction of Copco dam over 100 years ago. This is transformative and the beginning of restorative justice for our people,” said Shasta Indian Nation Chairperson Janice Crowe. “We welcome the opportunity to steward our ancestral lands in a manner consistent with tribal values and incorporating tribal ecological knowledge. Land return also allows us to educate the public by completing the Shasta Heritage Trail that incorporates Native art in the design along with informational placards that share the history of Shasta people from Kikacéki.”  

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