San Diego County and Cities Transition Flood Residents to Long-Term Housing Options - California Hoy


Jun 20, 2024

San Diego County and Cities Transition Flood Residents to Long-Term Housing Options


The Emergency Temporary Lodging Program to support those impacted by the January flooding ends tomorrow. The program is a cooperative effort between the County of San Diego, City of San Diego and other local cities and community partners to provide safe housing options to resident whose homes were damaged. With the end of the program, those residents will be moving back home or making other arrangements with their local housing authorities.

“Thousands of San Diegans faced the devastating aftermath as floodwaters tore through their homes on Jan. 22,” said Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas. “In the wake of this disaster, our immediate focus was on providing essential shelter and support. Collaborating closely with the Red Cross, Community-Based Organizations, and local municipalities, together we mobilized to open shelters, yet the needs persisted far beyond initial expectations.”

Recognizing the profound impact on families, Chairwoman Vargas said, “Many of those affected required ongoing assistance, prompting the County to launch the Emergency Temporary Lodging Program in early February. This initiative, made possible through strong community partnerships, ensured displaced families had access to temporary accommodations, meals, and crucial mental health services. It was a vital lifeline, offering a semblance of stability during such a tumultuous time, allowing families to begin the journey of recovery and rebuilding.”

Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas worked to secure a Presidential Emergency Declaration to bring needed federal and state resources to the County including financial assistance from FEMA, the Small Business Administration, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. Chairwoman Vargas and District Four Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe also led the Board of Supervisors to approve more than $33.7 million for community recovery efforts, including the Emergency Temporary Lodging Program.

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