Filmmakers Discover America's Loch Ness Monster - California Hoy


Aug 20, 2024

Filmmakers Discover America's Loch Ness Monster


VALLEY VILLAGE, CA -- In a remarkable twist of fate, filmmakers Richard Rossi and Kelly Tabor may have unintentionally captured drone footage of “Champ,” the lake monster said to inhabit Lake Champlain, while shooting their film, "Lucy and the Lake Monster". This surprising encounter has set the stage for an exciting world premiere of the film, where audiences will discover the heartwarming story alongside this thrilling footage.

During a routine shoot for "Lucy and the Lake Monster", a family-friendly adventure that follows a young girl and her quest to prove the existence of the mythical creature, Rossi and Tabor's DP Daniel Burke, sent his drone soaring over the picturesque lake. To their astonishment in reviewing footage in post-production, the filmmakers realized they'd recorded a large, unknown creature gliding beneath the water's surface nearby to the boat containing the two lead actors, Emma Pearson who plays Lucy, and Richard Rossi, who plays her grandfather.

A five-second clip of the footage (which is an excerpt of the longer video, can be viewed here), look for Champ swimming to the bottom right of the boat:

"We inadvertently found Champ while reviewing video from a drone. It is real footage, not manipulated in any way," Tabor said.

“We were aiming for some scenic shots of the lake,” said Rossi, “and we never expected to capture anything like this. We just couldn’t believe our eyes. It’s a thrill to share this unexpected discovery with the world.”

Tabor added, “This adds an incredible layer to our film. While 'Lucy and the Lake Monster" is a fictional story about a nine year-old girl and her grandpa looking for Champ, the reality of capturing something mysterious is what makes this moment so special. It reminds us that sometimes, truth really is stranger than fiction. It even appears to have moving fins like a plesiosaur. Our cryptozoology friends are excited."

Director Rossi said, "It's only fitting that Kelly, who has looked for Champ over fifty years, would see Champ in the footage first."

As a writing team, Assistant Director and New York native Kelly Tabor is the true believer, who grew up looking for Champ in Lake Champlain. Hollywood filmmaker Rossi, who has been friends with Tabor for forty years, is the Doubting Thomas who wants verification from scientists.

Rossi recruited a confidential conclave of scientists to study the footage over the next few months with a high bar of credentials to participate.

"I wanted to share this interesting piece of evidence to point the way to further exploration and more intensive consideration. We decided to have it evaluated by trained scientists with a minimum of one earned doctorate degree in science to conduct their own independent research with the footage, then report back."

The initial reaction from the scientific community is that it is "compelling," and "there is definitely something there, but it cannot be confirmed what we are seeing with certainty without further investigation. It has evidentiary strengths the 1977 Mansi photo of Champ does not, such as the boat in the footage for scale. The boat measures 142 inches from the tip to stern, and 50 1/2 inches at its widest point. The Mansi photo has no such object for scale. We will be reviewing the entire longer video sequence because it gives greater clarity than the excerpt shared publicly on YouTube."

Tabor and Rossi wrote the book and movie about Champ "Lucy & the Lake Monster". The footage of Champ swimming in the lake is in the film, just after the 4 minute mark. Additional footage of Champ may be seen later in the film, but the filmmakers didn't want to give too much away.

The world premiere of "Lucy and the Lake Monster" will take place on Sunday, September 8th at the Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, New York. Tickets are available at:

"Be part of the magic and witness the full story of "Lucy and the Lake Monster," along with the astounding footage that has everyone talking," Tabor said. "It's an afternoon of family-friendly fun, including live appearances of some of the cast, discussions and live music performance, and the first full showing of our movie that combines adventure, humor, and mystery."

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