Analysis of Electoral Results in Border Municipalities of Mexico - California Hoy


Jun 3, 2024

Analysis of Electoral Results in Border Municipalities of Mexico


The electoral results in the municipalities of the border states of Mexico show a varied political panorama. Morena dominates in Baja California with all the seats and has a strong presence in Baja California Sur and Tamaulipas.

In contrast, PRI-PAN-PRD is the strongest in Chihuahua and Coahuila, showing a solid support base. Nuevo León stands out for its political diversity, notably representing the Citizen Movement and the main coalitions.

Sonora and Chihuahua exhibit competitive diversity with significant participations of 'Others', indicating a multi-party scenario.

While Morena maintains considerable influence in several states, the PRI-PAN-PRD alliance and other minor parties also show strength and competitiveness, reflecting a complex political dynamic in the border region.

Here is a detailed analysis by state:

Baja California
Total municipalities: 5

Distribution of municipalities: Morena completely dominates the 5 municipalities. Other parties or coalitions are not represented.

Baja California Sur
Total municipalities: 5

Distribution of municipalities: Morena has the majority with 4 municipalities, while PRI-PAN-PRD achieves one municipality.

Total municipalities: 81

Distribution of municipalities: Morena obtains 37 municipalities, followed by PRI-PAN-PRD with 17 municipalities. Movimiento Ciudadano also has a significant presence with seven municipalities. Nineteen municipalities are categorized under 'Other', suggesting considerable political diversity.

Total municipalities: 67

Distribution of municipalities: PRI-PAN-PRD is the dominant group with 41 municipalities, significantly more than Morena, which has 16. The other parties have a smaller presence.

Total municipalities: 38

Distribution of municipalities: PRI-PAN-PRD has a substantial majority with 31 municipalities. Morena achieves only five municipalities, showing less support in this region.

Nuevo Leon
Total municipalities: 51

Distribution of municipalities: PRI-PAN-PRD has 23 municipalities and Morena 7, but Movimiento Ciudadano is also strong with 16 municipalities. This state shows a more competitive and diverse political landscape.

Total municipalities: 43

Distribution of municipalities: Morena leads with 24 municipalities compared to the 17 of PRI-PAN-PRD.

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