Biden to close US-Mexico border temporarily due to surge - California Hoy


Jun 4, 2024

Biden to close US-Mexico border temporarily due to surge

With more than 2,500 unlawful crossings each day, safeguards for asylum seekers would be suspended and the U.S.-Mexico border would be temporarily closed to migrants, according to an executive order that President Joe Biden is scheduled to sign Wednesday.

The decision, which represents a significant change in immigration law, is similar to other restrictive actions taken by the Trump administration.

Despite being intended to curb the surge in illegal crossings, the order is expected to be challenged in court and come under fire for repeating measures that Democrats have long opposed.

If less than 1,500 crossings occur each day for an extended length of time, the closure will be lifted.

It is believed that Biden is making this step in an effort to take command of immigration-related matters before the next presidential election, which comes under mounting political pressure.

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