Record Low Donations for San Leandro Postal Food Drive - California Hoy


Jun 9, 2024

Record Low Donations for San Leandro Postal Food Drive


SAN LEANDRO, CA.- Davis Street is in urgent need of community support following a record low in food donations from the annual USPS Postal Food Drive. Over the past 30 years, Davis Street has relied on this vital partnership with the USPS to receive an average of 42,000 pounds of food. This year, however, only 1,429 pounds were collected—a devastating and unprecedented decrease.

This severe drop in donations comes at a time when the demand for assistance is at an all-time high. Davis Street is now facing an uphill battle in meeting the basic needs of our community members. Families who depend on us for essential food supplies are at risk of going without.

How You Can Help:
Donate Non-Perishable Food Items: We urgently need non-perishable food items. Community members are implored to bring donations to Davis Street at 3081 Teagarden Street. Every can, box, and bag is crucial and can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.

Financial Contributions: Monetary donations are desperately needed and can be made online at Your financial support is critical and allows Davis Street to purchase food and other essential items to meet the immediate needs of the families we serve.

Your generosity is vital to helping us continue to support our community during this crisis. Every donation, no matter how small, is a lifeline for those struggling to make ends meet.

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