"Yankee go home": Baja California Sur Governor - California Hoy


Jun 13, 2024

"Yankee go home": Baja California Sur Governor


Governor of Baja California Sur Victor Manuel Castro Cosio, reiterated his commitment with the fishermen of the Gulf of Ulloa area to make a common front involving the three levels of government, scientific institutions and the Armed Forces to reverse the negative rating imposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which could impose an embargo on seafood products from that region, as they are blamed for the mortality of the loggerhead sea turtle.

In a recent community meeting in Las Barrancas with local maritime workers, the Governor of Baja California addressed and dismissed allegations made by the crew of the foreign vessel Sea Shepherd. The crew had claimed responsibility for the purportedly high mortality rates of sea turtles. The Governor refuted these reports, citing scientific evidence that disproves the accusations.

Breaking News: Governor Defends Fishing Sector, Calls for Sea Shepherd's Departure

The Governor has taken a firm stance in defense of the fishing sector, declaring unequivocally, "No matter what happens, I support the fishing sector in preventing any foreign ships from entering the Gulf of Ulloa. This problem was imposed on us, and we do not accept responsibility. It has been demonstrated that we are not at fault."

 He further demanded that the Sea Shepherd vessel leave the waters of Baja California Sur immediately.

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