US Intervention in the 28th Election in Venezuela is Denounced by the American Association of Jurists - California Hoy


Jul 26, 2024

US Intervention in the 28th Election in Venezuela is Denounced by the American Association of Jurists


The American Association of Jurists (AAJ) denounced this Friday that the United States (USA) and other allied nations, undertake actions and statements interfering and destabilizing, through hegemonic media and social networks, to destabilize the July 28 elections in Venezuela, building the matrix of opinion of a possible electoral fraud.

In a statement, the organization explains that the interference in the internal affairs of the South American country began “with a wide-ranging media campaign in which various personalities from the United States and allied governments called openly for voting against the current Venezuelan government”.

“In recent days, probably because they verified that the campaign described did not produce the expected results, they began to install the possibility of electoral fraud. In several press releases, the population is called to vote for the opposition and falsely claim to have evidence of the alleged alteration of the election result by the government headed by Nicolas Maduro”, The AAJ needs to be informed.

He also warned that the maneuvers are very similar to those that led to the coup against former Bolivian president Evo Morales in 2019, with the proven involvement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the European Union, which left some dead, wounded and political prisoners, while depriving that country of strategic resources.

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