LAX Homeless Count numbers show a slight decrease - California Hoy


Jul 11, 2024

LAX Homeless Count numbers show a slight decrease


After six years of increases, the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count numbers show a slight decrease in the number of people experiencing homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County. While one year is not enough to say we have turned a corner, we are heartened to see this evidence that our declaration of emergency on homelessness and deepening, unprecedented collaboration with our partners is making a difference.

When the LA County Board of Supervisors unanimously declared a state of emergency on homelessness in January 2023, it resulted in a bold shift in how we address homelessness that accelerated service delivery, cut red tape, and sparked critical change for our communities.

Unfortunately, LA County is still short approximately 500,000 homes to meet the needs of all its residents. To truly make a breakthrough, we must shift our collective focus to prevention and address the root causes, such as housing unaffordability, that drive people to fall into homelessness in the first place.

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